Express Hang Tag Standard Size Digital (Business Cards, Bookmarks, Tag)
Express Hang Tag Standard Size Printing in Malaysia
Express Print Hang Tag Standard Size
Best Selling Hang Tag Standard
Hang tag printing is critical to success for many industries. Retail fashions, clothing, and accessories all rely on hang tag printing to generate sales; but that's not the only industry: businesses from tool retailers to electronic suppliers harness the power of hang tag printing to fuel revenue. With a little investigation, it's not difficult to see why hang tag printing is critical to success for many companies.
Hang tag printing gets attention
When you have products that compete against many other products in the same retail zone, you need something to draw attention to your products above all else. In industries where many similar items are likely to be grouped together (such as black
shirts or DVD players), hang tags play a vital role in drawing attention to your products. To help your hang tags attract attention, try to design them so that they contrast against your product. Use large headline fonts and images when possible;
or, minimize everything for an elegant feel and branded appeal. How you position your brand on your hang tags is up to your industry, your unique selling points, and your target audience.
Hang tag printing projects an image
Especially in the clothing and fashion industry, but often just as true in many other industries, customers make purchases based on the image a product or brand projects. Thus, once you have your customers' attention, you must demonstrate why your
product matches their personal image and lifestyle. In a world of similar products, hang tags ring true again as a great way to separate your products from your competitors and position your brand in a positive light to motivate sales.
Hang tag printing spotlights features and benefits
Every marketer knows that features and benefits are essential to closing sales, and hang tags can help you detail the benefits of using your product's characteristics easily and effectively. Think about it: a winter jacket can't tell customers that
it has a thin lining that is three times more cold-resistant than linings that are twice as thick. A hang tag could not only make customers aware of this, but it can also lend credibility to your company and foster trust from your customers.
Size: 30mm x 65mm, 25mm x 40mm, 20mm x 30mm, 50mm x 90mm, 40mm x 70mm and 50mm x 85mm
Orientation: Portrait
Material: Art Card 230gsm, Art Card 260gsm, Craft Card 250gsm, Synthetic 175gsm and Synthetic 275gsm
Print: 4C (1 Side) and 4C (2 Side)
Cutting: Cut to Size and Die Cut
Lamination: Matte (1 Side), Gloss (1 Side) , Matte (2 Side) and Gloss (2 Side)
Add on Punch Hole
- Free Delivery in West Msia,
For Purchase Above RM100.00.
- Price Exclude Design Artwork.
- Free Readjust Artwork,
For Purchase Above Rm500
Percetakan Hang Tag Saiz Standard Ekspres di Malaysia
Hang Tag Saiz Standard Ekspres Terlaris
Percetakan tag gantung adalah penting untuk kejayaan bagi banyak industri. Fesyen runcit, pakaian dan aksesori semuanya bergantung pada percetakan tag gantung untuk menjana jualan; tetapi itu bukan satu-satunya industri: perniagaan daripada peruncit alat kepada pembekal elektronik memanfaatkan kuasa percetakan hang tag untuk menjana pendapatan. Dengan sedikit penyiasatan, tidak sukar untuk melihat mengapa pencetakan hang tag penting untuk kejayaan bagi banyak syarikat.
Percetakan tag gantung mendapat perhatian
Apabila anda mempunyai produk yang bersaing dengan banyak produk lain dalam zon runcit yang sama, anda memerlukan sesuatu untuk menarik perhatian kepada produk anda di atas segalanya. Dalam industri di mana banyak item serupa mungkin dikumpulkan
bersama (seperti baju hitam atau pemain DVD), tag gantung memainkan peranan penting dalam menarik perhatian kepada produk anda. Untuk membantu tag gantung anda menarik perhatian, cuba reka bentuknya supaya ia berbeza dengan produk anda. Gunakan fon
dan imej tajuk besar apabila boleh; atau, kurangkan segala-galanya untuk rasa elegan dan tarikan berjenama. Cara anda meletakkan jenama anda pada tag gantung anda terpulang kepada industri anda, titik jualan unik anda dan khalayak sasaran anda.
Percetakan tag gantung menayangkan imej
Terutamanya dalam industri pakaian dan fesyen, tetapi selalunya sama seperti yang berlaku dalam banyak industri lain, pelanggan membuat pembelian berdasarkan imej produk atau projek jenama. Oleh itu, sebaik sahaja anda mendapat perhatian pelanggan
anda, anda perlu menunjukkan sebab produk anda sepadan dengan imej peribadi dan gaya hidup mereka. Dalam dunia produk yang serupa, tag gantung berbunyi benar sekali lagi sebagai cara terbaik untuk memisahkan produk anda daripada pesaing anda dan meletakkan
jenama anda dalam cahaya yang positif untuk memotivasikan jualan.
Ciri dan faedah pencetakan tag gantung
Setiap pemasar tahu bahawa ciri dan faedah adalah penting untuk menutup jualan, dan tag gantung boleh membantu anda memperincikan faedah menggunakan ciri produk anda dengan mudah dan berkesan. Fikirkanlah: jaket musim sejuk tidak boleh memberitahu
pelanggan bahawa ia mempunyai lapisan nipis yang tiga kali lebih tahan sejuk daripada lapisan yang dua kali lebih tebal. Tag gantung bukan sahaja dapat menyedarkan pelanggan tentang perkara ini, ia juga boleh memberikan kredibiliti kepada syarikat
anda dan memupuk kepercayaan daripada pelanggan anda.
Mini hang tag:
Label tag for food products:
Label tag for wedding event:
Thank you tag perkahwinan:
Tag untuk balang cookies hari raya:
Custom tag Printing
The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.
All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.
If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.
Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.
The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.