Best Selling Shot Glass Printing

Looking for a unique and personalized gift? Look no further than our custom shot glasses! With our wide variety of designs and materials, you can find the perfect shot glass for everyone on your list.

Our shot glasses are made from high-quality materials and are printed with vibrant colors. They are also dishwasher and microwave safe, so you can enjoy them for years to come.

Whether you're looking for a shot glass for a birthday, bachelor party, or just to add to your own collection, our custom shot glasses are the perfect choice.

Here are some of the benefits of our shot glasses:

  • High-quality materials: Our shot glasses are made from high-quality materials, such as glass, ceramic, and acrylic.
  • Vibrant colors: Our shot glasses are printed with vibrant colors that will last for years to come.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe: Our shot glasses are dishwasher and microwave safe, so you can easily clean them and enjoy them for years to come.
  • Personalized designs: We offer a wide variety of personalized designs, so you can find the perfect shot glass for everyone on your list.
  • Long-lasting: Our shot glasses are specially coated with ORCA Sublimation Coating, which allows them to withstand up to 3000 washes without color fade.

How to care for your shot glasses:

  • Dishwasher safe when used under a gentle cycle.
  • Wash with a soft sponge. Do not use abrasive scrubbing pads.
  • Do not microwave.


Available Specification :

Size :

  • 1.5 oz
  • 2.5 oz

Material :

  • Glass



Percetakan Gelas Shot Terlaris

Mencari hadiah yang unik dan diperibadikan? Jangan lihat lagi daripada cermin mata tersuai kami! Dengan pelbagai jenis reka bentuk dan bahan kami, anda boleh mendapatkan gelas tembakan yang sempurna untuk semua orang dalam senarai anda.

Cermin mata pukulan kami diperbuat daripada bahan berkualiti tinggi dan dicetak dengan warna-warna cerah. Ia juga selamat untuk mesin basuh pinggan mangkuk dan ketuhar gelombang mikro, jadi anda boleh menikmatinya selama bertahun-tahun yang akan datang.

Sama ada anda sedang mencari cermin mata untuk hari jadi, parti bujang atau hanya untuk menambah koleksi anda sendiri, cermin mata tersuai kami ialah pilihan yang tepat.

Berikut adalah beberapa kelebihan cermin mata kami:

  • Bahan berkualiti tinggi: Cermin mata pukulan kami diperbuat daripada bahan berkualiti tinggi, seperti kaca, seramik dan akrilik.
  • Warna-warna cerah: Cermin mata pukulan kami dicetak dengan warna-warna terang yang akan bertahan selama bertahun-tahun akan datang.
  • Peti keselamatan mesin basuh pinggan mangkuk dan ketuhar gelombang mikro: Cermin mata tembakan kami adalah selamat untuk mesin basuh pinggan mangkuk dan ketuhar gelombang mikro, jadi anda boleh membersihkannya dengan mudah dan menikmatinya selama bertahun-tahun yang akan datang.
  • Reka bentuk yang diperibadikan: Kami menawarkan pelbagai jenis reka bentuk yang diperibadikan, supaya anda boleh mencari gelas tembakan yang sempurna untuk semua orang dalam senarai anda.
  • Tahan lama: Cermin mata pukulan kami disalut khas dengan Salutan Pemejalwapan ORCA, yang membolehkan mereka menahan sehingga 3000 cucian tanpa warna pudar.

Bagaimana untuk menjaga cermin mata anda:

  • Mesin basuh pinggan mangkuk selamat apabila digunakan di bawah kitaran lembut.
  • Basuh dengan span lembut. Jangan gunakan pad penyental yang kasar.
  • Jangan microwave.

Spesifikasi Tersedia:


  • 1.5 oz
  • 2.5 oz

Bahan :

  • Kaca
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The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.

All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.

If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.

Price Calculator

2.5 oz
Unit Price :RM49.00

Estimated Total:RM49.00

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