Printing Long Brochure in Malaysia

Print Long Brochure

Fastest Long Brochure Printing

Here are the top reasons why brochures are still important for selling products and services
1. Budget-friendly
Small startups and SMEs hardly have a budget dedicated to marketing their products and services. They need to circulate their branding efforts on a tight budget. Compared to online marketing tools, brochures are cost-effective marketing options. You can work with our professional designer to create budget-friendly brochure designs. If you buy these handy booklets in bulk, the price will decrease significantly. Many businesses participate in trade shows or use email promotions to purchase brochures in bulk. Moreover, these traditional marketing tools usually include your business details that make them valuable for many purposes. You can hand them to your loyal clients, prospects, and other people.

2. Focused & Consistent Branding 
If an ad is out of sight, it won't take time to get out of mind. That's true in the digital marketing sphere. But a brochure provides a longer duration of exposure to your brand. Customers take it along with them which makes your customer recall your brand name easier and establish brand identity. All the information included in it is for advertising your business, products or services and, it does it diligently and with a focused approach,

3. Reach the target audience
A marketing brochure ensures to reach your target customers, as long as you have their correct addresses. Well, you can specifically target your online prospects too. But there is a problem your ads could go unnoticed or largely ignored. However, a brochure placed through the doors of your chances hardly goes unnoticed.

Its potential is unrivaled as well. For example, think of takeaway menus we all collect, especially the ones within our vicinity. This tangible marketing comes in handy when we reach for the menu in case we don't like to cook.


Material: Simili 80gsm, Gloss Art Paper 100gsm, Gloss Art Paper 128gsm, Gloss Art Paper 157gsm, Gloss Art Card 230gsm and Gloss Art Card 260gsm

Print: Color 4C (1 Side) and Color 4C (2 SIde)

Lamination: No lamination, Gloss (1 Side), Matte (1 Side), Gloss (2 Side), Matte (2 Side), Anti Scratch (1 Side), Soft Touch (1 Side), Anti Scratch (2 Side), Soft Touch (2 Side), Matte(2 Side) + Spot UV(1 Side) and Matte(2 Side) + Spot UV (2 Side)

Finishing: Security invisible line

Finishing: Cut to Size + Creasing

  • Free Delivery in West Msia, 
    For Purchase Above RM100.00.
  • Price Exclude Design Artwork.

  • Free Readjust Artwork,
    For Purchase Above Rm500


Percetakan Brosur Panjang di Malaysia

Percetakan Brosur Panjang Terpantas

Berikut ialah sebab utama mengapa risalah masih penting untuk menjual produk dan perkhidmatan
1. Mesra bajet
Pemula kecil dan PKS hampir tidak mempunyai belanjawan khusus untuk memasarkan produk dan perkhidmatan mereka. Mereka perlu mengedarkan usaha penjenamaan mereka pada bajet yang ketat. Berbanding dengan alat pemasaran dalam talian, risalah adalah pilihan pemasaran yang menjimatkan kos. Anda boleh bekerjasama dengan pereka profesional kami untuk mencipta reka bentuk brosur yang mesra bajet. Jika anda membeli buku kecil berguna ini secara pukal, harga akan menurun dengan ketara. Banyak perniagaan mengambil bahagian dalam pameran perdagangan atau menggunakan promosi e-mel untuk membeli risalah secara pukal. Selain itu, alat pemasaran tradisional ini biasanya termasuk butiran perniagaan anda yang menjadikannya berharga untuk pelbagai tujuan. Anda boleh menyerahkannya kepada pelanggan setia anda, prospek dan orang lain.

2. Penjenamaan Berfokus & Konsisten
Jika iklan tidak kelihatan, ia tidak akan mengambil masa untuk hilang dari fikiran. Itu benar dalam bidang pemasaran digital. Tetapi risalah menyediakan tempoh pendedahan yang lebih lama kepada jenama anda. Pelanggan membawanya bersama mereka yang menjadikan pelanggan anda mengingat nama jenama anda lebih mudah dan mewujudkan identiti jenama. Semua maklumat yang disertakan di dalamnya adalah untuk mengiklankan perniagaan, produk atau perkhidmatan anda dan, ia melakukannya dengan tekun dan dengan pendekatan tertumpu,

3. Mencapai khalayak sasaran
Risalah pemasaran memastikan untuk mencapai pelanggan sasaran anda, selagi anda mempunyai alamat yang betul. Nah, anda juga boleh menyasarkan prospek dalam talian anda secara khusus. Tetapi terdapat masalah bahawa iklan anda mungkin tidak disedari atau sebahagian besarnya diabaikan. Walau bagaimanapun, risalah yang diletakkan melalui pintu peluang anda hampir tidak disedari.

Potensinya juga tiada tandingan. Sebagai contoh, fikirkan menu bawa pulang yang kami kumpulkan, terutamanya menu yang terdapat di sekitar kami. Pemasaran ketara ini berguna apabila kita mencapai menu sekiranya kita tidak suka memasak.


Bahan: Simili 80gsm, Kertas Seni Gloss 100gsm, Kertas Seni Gloss 128gsm, Kertas Seni Gloss 157gsm, Kad Seni Gloss 230gsm dan Kad Seni Gloss 260gsm

Cetakan: Warna 4C (1 Bahagian) dan Warna 4C (2 Bahagian)

Laminasi: Tiada laminasi, Gloss (1 Sisi), Matte (1 Sisi), Gloss (2 Sisi), Matte (2 Sisi), Anti Gores (1 Sisi), Sentuhan Lembut (1 Sisi), Anti Gores (2 Sisi), Sentuhan Lembut (2 Bahagian), Matte (2 Bahagian) + Bintik UV (1 Bahagian) dan Matte (2 Bahagian) + Bintik UV (2 Bahagian)

Kemasan: Garisan halimunan keselamatan

Kemasan: Potong mengikut Saiz + Kedutan



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The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.

All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.

If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.

Price Calculator

Gloss Art Paper 100gsmGloss Art Paper 128gsmGloss Art Paper 157gsmGloss Art Card 230gsmGloss Art Card 260gsm
Same Working Day ( KL )
Total:RM45.60 RM48.00 5% Off
Unit Price :RM45.60

Estimated Total:RM45.60

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