Door Hanger Offset (Business Cards, Bookmarks, Tag)
Design and Print Door Hanger in Malaysia
Print Door Hanger Sign
Best Selling Door Hanger Sign
Door Hangers are a very effective form of direct marketing for new and established businesses. If your company deals directly with consumers and is looking to promote itself to specific geographic areas, keep these seven benefits of Door Hangers in mind…
1) They're Simple - Door hangers are very straightforward. They don't need envelopes, postage, folding, binding, or any other steps to prepare them for distribution. You can literally start going door-to-door the minute you receive them….and the die-cut hole or hook makes them very quick and easy to distribute.
2) They get Seen - A door hanger suspends from the front entrance of a residence and the homeowner must remove it by hand. There is no possible way it can be overlooked. Plus, the chances are very good your hanger will be the only one on the door handle…thus increasing the consumer's focus on your specific offer.
3) They are Low Cost - Because of their sheer simplicity, door hangers are one of the most affordable promotional methods available. They are not only inexpensive to print (especially if you choose a standard size), they are also economical to distribute. No other form of direct marketing allows you to get the attention of targeted prospects for such a good value.
4) They're Customizable - Your door hanger can be printed with any layout or color scheme you desire. Need a 2-sided door hanger with full color photos? No problem. Need a bright green hanger with large bold text? No problem. Need a custom size, special shape, gloss coating, perforation, business card slit, or other unique feature? No problem…the choice is completely yours.
Size Available:
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Reka bentuk dan Cetakan Penyangkut Pintu di Malaysia
Penyangkut Pintu Terlaris
Penyangkut Pintu ialah satu bentuk pemasaran langsung yang sangat berkesan untuk perniagaan baharu dan mantap. Jika syarikat anda berurusan secara langsung dengan pengguna dan ingin mempromosikan dirinya ke kawasan geografi tertentu, ingatlah tujuh faedah Penyangkut Pintu ini...
1) Ia Mudah - Penyangkut pintu sangat mudah. Mereka tidak memerlukan sampul surat, pos, lipatan, penjilidan atau sebarang langkah lain untuk menyediakannya untuk diedarkan. Anda benar-benar boleh mula pergi dari pintu ke pintu sebaik sahaja anda menerimanya….dan lubang atau cangkuk yang dipotong menjadikannya sangat cepat dan mudah untuk diedarkan.
2) Mudah Dilihat - Penyangkut pintu digantung dari pintu masuk hadapan kediaman dan pemilik rumah mesti mengeluarkannya dengan tangan. Tidak mungkin ia boleh diabaikan. Selain itu, kemungkinannya adalah sangat baik penyangkut anda akan menjadi satu-satunya pada pemegang pintu…dengan itu meningkatkan tumpuan pengguna pada tawaran khusus anda.
4) Memakan Kos yang Rendah - Kerana kesederhanaan semata-mata, penyangkut pintu adalah salah satu kaedah promosi paling berpatutan yang ada. Ia bukan sahaja murah untuk dicetak (terutama jika anda memilih saiz standard), ia juga menjimatkan untuk diedarkan. Tiada bentuk pemasaran langsung lain yang membolehkan anda mendapat perhatian prospek yang disasarkan untuk nilai yang begitu baik.
5) Boleh direka mengikut cita rasa anda - Penyangkut pintu anda boleh dicetak dengan sebarang susun atur atau skema warna yang anda inginkan. Perlukan penyangkut pintu 2 sisi dengan gambar berwarna penuh? Tiada masalah. Perlukan penyangkut berwarna hijau terang dengan teks tebal yang besar? Tiada masalah. Perlukan saiz tersuai, bentuk istimewa, salutan berkilat, tebuk, celah kad perniagaan atau ciri unik lain? Tiada masalah… pilihan di tangan anda sepenuhnya.
Saiz Tersedia:
H01, H02: 88mm (W) x 220mm (H)
H03: 110mm (W) x 240mm (H)
Bahan: Gloss Art Card 310gsm, Gloss Art Card 360gsm
Bahagian Cetakan: 4C (Depan), 4C (Kedua-duanya)
Wajib: Pemotongan
The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.
All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.
If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.
A door hanger is a printed or customized card or sign that is designed to be hung on a doorknob or door handle. It is commonly used for communication, marketing, or informational purposes.
Door hangers are used for various purposes, including advertising, promoting products or services, delivering messages, providing information, or indicating do not disturb signs in hospitality settings. They are often used by businesses, hotels, service providers, political campaigns, or organizations to reach out to a target audience.
Yes, door hangers can be customized with various designs, logos, colors, text, or graphics. Customization options allow for branding, personalization, and conveying specific messages to the intended recipients.
Door hangers are designed with a die-cut hole or slit that fits over the doorknob or door handle. This allows the door hanger to hang securely and be easily noticed by the door's occupants. The design of the hole or slit may vary depending on the type of door hanger.
Yes, door hangers can be used outdoors, but it's important to consider the durability of the material and printing. Choosing weather-resistant materials, such as coated or laminated cardstock, can help ensure that the door hangers withstand outdoor conditions like rain or sunlight.
Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.
The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.