Waterproof Ticket Digital (Bill Book, Receipt, Ticket, Voucher, Coupon)
Waterproof Ticket Printing in Malaysia
Print Waterproof Ticket
Best Selling "Waterproof Ticket" Print
A waterproof ticket refers to a ticket that is designed to withstand exposure to water without getting damaged. Waterproof tickets are commonly used for events or activities that take place outdoors, such as concerts, festivals, amusement parks, or water parks.
There are several benefits to using waterproof tickets, including:
- Durability: Waterproof tickets are designed to be durable and resistant to water damage, which means they are less likely to get torn, smudged, or destroyed if they get wet.
- Convenience: With waterproof tickets, event organizers don't have to worry about weather conditions affecting the quality of their tickets or causing delays at the entry gates. Attendees can also carry their tickets with them without having to worry about them getting damaged in rain or water.
- Security: Many waterproof tickets come with additional security features such as barcodes, serial numbers, or holographic images that prevent fraud and counterfeiting.
- Sustainability: Because waterproof tickets are made from durable materials, they are more eco-friendly and can help reduce waste. Unlike traditional paper tickets, waterproof tickets can be reused multiple times or kept as a memento.
Percetakan Tiket Kalis Air di Malaysia
Tiket kalis air merujuk kepada tiket yang dirancang untuk menahan pendedahan air tanpa mengalami kerosakan. Tiket kalis air biasanya digunakan untuk acara atau aktiviti yang berlaku di luar rumah, seperti konsert, festival, taman hiburan, atau taman air.
Terdapat beberapa faedah menggunakan tiket kalis air, termasuk:
- Ketahanan: Tiket kalis air direka agar tahan lama dan tahan terhadap kerosakan air, yang bermaksud mereka cenderung tidak terkoyak, hancur, atau musnah jika basah.
- Kemudahan: Dengan tiket kalis air, penganjur acara tidak perlu risau keadaan cuaca yang mempengaruhi kualiti tiket mereka atau menyebabkan kelewatan di pintu masuk. Hadirin juga boleh membawa tiket mereka tanpa perlu risau mereka akan rosak dalam hujan atau air.
- Keselamatan: Banyak tiket kalis air dilengkapi dengan ciri keselamatan tambahan seperti kod bar, nombor siri, atau gambar holografik yang mencegah penipuan dan pemalsuan.
- Kelestarian: Kerana tiket kalis air dibuat dari bahan tahan lama, ia lebih mesra alam dan dapat membantu mengurangkan sampah. Tidak seperti tiket kertas tradisional, tiket kalis air boleh digunakan semula berkali-kali atau disimpan sebagai kenang-kenangan.
Bahan: Kertas Sintetik 175gsm
Cetak: Warna 4C ( 1 Sisi )
Memotong: Potong Ke Saiz
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All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.
If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.
Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.
The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.