Special Material Business Card Printing in Malaysia

Print Special Material Business Card

Best Selling Express Special Material Business Card

Business cards usually contain key contact details of a company. But marketers have turned these modern cards into an effective tool to drive customers. The cards are a way to make a quick impression on the recipients. Despite all the technological advancements, business cards are irreplaceable. It seems that no amount of automation is going to take their place. Most company officials keep some cards in their pockets and hand out the cards when shaking hands with potential clients. Cards come in handy to promote business during a trade fair, seminar, or business meeting. Business cards are part of the branding exercise that marketers take up to beat the competition. The cards do not merely hold contact details such as email addresses, phone numbers, website addresses, and others. Brilliant strategists turn the cards into impressive designs with the help of business card templates. The design speaks favorably for a business. Every design element like color, typeface, space, image, logo, etc. has its planned use in the card for the desired impact. For clients and general customers, business cards are the window to peep into a company's possible quality of products or services. 


Material: Linen 250gsm, Curious Metallics Super Gold 300gsm, Starlight Beige 250gsm, Metallic Ice White 250gsm, Modigliani Candido 260gsm, Raster White 170gsm, Raster White 300gsm and Maple White 350gsm

Print: Color 4C (1 Side) and Color 4C (2 Sides)

Corner: Square



Percetakan Kad Perniagaan Bahan Khas di Malaysia

Kad Perniagaan Bahan Khas Ekspress Terlaris


Kad perniagaan biasanya mengandungi butiran hubungan utama syarikat. Tetapi pemasar telah menjadikan kad moden ini sebagai alat yang berkesan untuk mendorong pelanggan. Kad adalah cara untuk memberi kesan cepat kepada penerima. Di sebalik semua kemajuan teknologi, kad perniagaan tidak boleh diganti. Nampaknya tiada jumlah automasi akan menggantikan mereka. Kebanyakan pegawai syarikat menyimpan beberapa kad di dalam poket mereka dan menyerahkan kad tersebut apabila berjabat tangan dengan bakal pelanggan. Kad berguna untuk mempromosikan perniagaan semasa pameran perdagangan, seminar atau mesyuarat perniagaan. Kad perniagaan adalah sebahagian daripada latihan penjenamaan yang diambil oleh pemasar untuk mengalahkan persaingan. Kad itu bukan sahaja menyimpan butiran hubungan seperti alamat e-mel, nombor telefon, alamat tapak web dan lain-lain. Pakar strategi yang bijak mengubah kad menjadi reka bentuk yang mengagumkan dengan bantuan templat kad perniagaan. Reka bentuk bercakap baik untuk perniagaan. Setiap elemen reka bentuk seperti warna, muka taip, ruang, imej, logo, dsb. mempunyai penggunaan yang dirancang dalam kad untuk kesan yang diingini. Bagi pelanggan dan pelanggan am, kad perniagaan adalah tingkap untuk mengintip kemungkinan kualiti produk atau perkhidmatan syarikat.


Bahan: Linen 250gsm, Curious Metallics Super Gold 300gsm, Starlight Beige 250gsm, Metallic Ice White 250gsm, Modigliani Candido 260gsm, Raster White 170gsm, Raster White 300gsm dan Maple White 350gsm

Cetakan: Warna 4C (1 Bahagian) dan Warna 4C (2 Bahagian)

Sudut: Segi empat

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The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.

All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.

If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.

Price Calculator

Same Working Day (Ara Damansara)
Total : RM65.39 RM62.12
Unit Price :RM0.62

Estimated Total : RM62.12

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