Crystal UV DTF Sticker Loose Sheet Digital

Clear Transfer Stickers for Metal / Glass / Car Sticker

Crystal UV DTF Transfer Sticker Custom Size

Best Selling Crystal UV DTF Transfer Sticker


Customize UV sticker, with 3D stereo effect, you can customize the pattern/logo/text desin your own stickers.

Material: UV transfer paste, great adhesive and waterproof, Anti-scratch. Please note that you cannot use hot water, or heating, because this is using sticky paste, a heating may affect the stickiness

Wide applicatio: metal, plastic, glass, paint surface,book, cardboard, wood, carton, resin material, ceramic material, hard cover materials, pen, trophy, bottle, thermos, notepad, pendrive, any smooth material can be pasted.Including your Car.( note:keep the media surface is clean before using stickers.)

Custom shape sticker die cut & kiss cut, we cut the sticker shape to any shape that you required. 

We do sticker printing and design sticker, for various applications:
1. Plastic bottle or container sticker,
2. Glass bottle sticker,
3. Toiletry product sticker,
4. Cosmetic product sticker,
5. Health and beauty product sticker,
6. Flat surface sticker,
7. Curve surface sticker.

Print Sticker in custom sizes and design for your business branding, sticker printing and die cut into any size, any shape and print at any quantity.

Die-cut sticker printing is an incredibly economical way to enhance your branding efforts, promote a specific product or service or motivate a direct response. The quality of your die-cut sticker is important, not only for sticker longevity but also for projecting a professional image.

Add personality to product packaging and personal items with die cut stickers.

Additional note for this product are as below :

1. Need to make sure surface 100% clean and use soap cleaner to clean surface before put on uv dtf sticker.

2. Uv drf stickeronly for gloss, flat and hard surface.

3. Cannot use for matt, texture surface and soft materials such as cotton.

Get high quality custom stickers printing now !!


  • Custom  Rectangle / Square / Round
  • Minimum Distance Between Sticker: 10mm

*Artwork must be in Vector type only

  • Free Delivery in West Msia, 
    For Purchase Above RM100.00.
  • Price Exclude Design Artwork.

  • Free Readjust Artwork,
    For Purchase Above Rm500


All job MUST be submitted with resolution 300dpi

Please be informed,

Production day is 2 to 3 working days after artwork confirmation exclude shipping days.

Pelekat Pemindahan Jelas untuk Pelekat Logam / Kaca / Kereta.

Stiker Pemindahan DTF Crystal UV Saiz Tersuai

Stiker Pemindahan DTF Crystal UV Terlaris

Sesuaikan pelekat UV, dengan kesan stereo 3D, anda boleh menyesuaikan corak / logo / teks di pelekat anda sendiri.

Bahan: pes pemindahan UV, pelekat hebat dan kalis air, Anti calar. Harap maklum bahawa anda tidak boleh menggunakan air panas, atau pemanasan, kerana ini menggunakan pasta melekit, pemanasan boleh mempengaruhi melekit

Applicatio lebar: logam, plastik, kaca, permukaan cat, buku, kadbod, kayu, kadbod, bahan resin, bahan seramik, bahan penutup keras, pen, piala, botol, termos, notepad, pendrive, sebarang bahan halus boleh ditampal. Termasuk Kereta anda. ( nota: pastikan permukaan media bersih sebelum menggunakan pelekat. )

Pelekat bentuk khusus yang dipotong & dipotong ciuman, kami memotong bentuk pelekat dengan bentuk apa pun yang anda perlukan. 
Kami menggunakan pelekat percetakan dan reka bentuk pelekat, untuk pelbagai aplikasi:
1. Botol plastik atau pelekat bekas,
2. Pelekat botol kaca,
3. Pelekat produk peralatan mandian,
4. Pelekat produk kosmetik,
5. Pelekat produk kesihatan dan kecantikan,
6. Pelekat permukaan rata,
7. Pelekat permukaan lengkung.

Cetak Pelekat dalam ukuran dan reka bentuk khusus untuk penjenamaan perniagaan anda, percetakan pelekat dan die cut ke dalam ukuran apa pun, bentuk dan cetakan apa pun dalam kuantiti apa pun.

Percetakan pelekat die-cut adalah cara yang sangat ekonomik untuk meningkatkan usaha penjenamaan anda, mempromosikan produk atau perkhidmatan tertentu atau memotivasi tindak balas langsung. Kualiti pelekat die-cut anda adalah penting, bukan hanya untuk umur panjang pelekat tetapi juga untuk memproyeksikan gambar profesional.

Tambahkan keperibadian ke pembungkusan produk dan barang peribadi dengan pelekat die cut.

Nota tambahan untuk produk ini adalah seperti di bawah :

1. Perlu memastikan permukaan 100% bersih dan gunakan pembersih sabun untuk membersihkan permukaan sebelum memakai pelekat uv dtf.

2. Uv drf stickeronly untuk permukaan gloss, rata dan keras.

3. Tidak boleh digunakan untuk matt, permukaan tekstur dan bahan lembut seperti kapas.

Dapatkan percetakan pelekat khas berkualiti tinggi sekarang !!


Segi Empat / Persegi / Bulat
Jarak Minimum Antara Pelekat: 10mm

Download Product Guideline


The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.

All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.

If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.

Price Calculator

(Min: 1, Max: 1000)
Total:RM28.80 RM45.00 36% Off
Unit Price :RM28.80

Estimated Total:RM28.80

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