Print Flyer, Brochure, Leaflet Landscape A4 A3

Landscape Flyer, Brochure, Leaflet Printing

Fastest Flyer,Brochure,Leaflet Landscape A4 A3

Brochure is a powerful advertising tool to promote your products or services to target audience.


  • Size:
    • A4 Landscape
    • A3 Landscape
  • Material:
    • Art Card 230gsm
    • Art Card 260gsm
  • Printing: Colour Double Sided Printing
  • Lamination: Double Sided Gloss / Matt Lamination
  • Finishing: Creasing 2 Fold (2Fa / Tri-Fold)

*folding is not included in final goods

  • Free Delivery in West Msia, 
    For Purchase Above RM100.00.
  • Price Exclude Design Artwork.

  • Free Readjust Artwork,
    For Purchase Above Rm500


Rekabentuk & Cetak Risalah Flyer

Percetakan Risalah dan Flyer Terpantas

Cetakan Flyer - Kami memastikan kualiti design dan percetakan risalah berkualiti tinggi dan menepati citarasa anda. Kami amat mengutamakan visual yang berkualiti tinggi yang mampu meningkatkan imej perniagaan anda ke tahap global.

Perkhidmatan kami pantas dan cekap kerana kami sentiasa memastikan tempoh penyiapan tempahan adalah tepat pada waktu yang ditetapkan. Penambahan waktu dilakukan jika diperlukan sahaja bagi urusan berkaitan design.

All job MUST be submitted with resolution

* Please save your artwork in PDF File without guideline. 

Please be informed,

Process time is 2, 3, or 4 working days after artwork confirmation.



The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.

All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.

If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.

Price Calculator

Art Card 260gsmSimili 80gsmArt Paper 100gsmArt Paper 128gsmArt Paper 157gsm
Double Sided Gloss LaminationDouble Sided Matt Lamination
Creasing Half Fold
Cut To Size
Creasing Half Fold
Same Working Day ( KL )
Total:RM45.60 RM48.00 5% Off
Unit Price :RM45.60

Estimated Total:RM45.60

Purchase Now & Upload Design Later