certificate printing

Certificate Offset Printing in Malaysia

Print Certificate Offset High Quality

Printing certificates involves creating physical copies of documents that officially acknowledge and validate achievements, qualifications, or completion of a program or course.Printing certificates offers several benefits, both practical and symbolic, in various contexts. Here are some key advantages:

Formal Recognition:Certificates serve as official documents validating the recipient's achievements, qualifications, or completion of a program. This formal recognition adds credibility to the individual's skills or accomplishments.

Tangible Representation:Printed certificates provide a tangible representation of success or completion, offering recipients a physical reminder of their accomplishments. This can be particularly meaningful for personal or professional milestones.

Professionalism:Well-designed and printed certificates contribute to a professional image for the issuing organization or institution. This professionalism reflects positively on the value placed on the achievements being recognized.

Sense of Accomplishment: Receiving a physical certificate can enhance the recipient's sense of accomplishment and pride. It serves as a concrete symbol of their hard work and dedication.

Record-Keeping: Printed certificates create official documentation that can be easily stored, archived, and referenced in the future. This is especially important for academic institutions, professional certifications, and training programs.

Showcasing Achievements: Individuals often share their certificates with others, whether through framing and display or by including them on resumes and portfolios. This sharing helps in building one's professional identity.

Communication of Standards: Certificates communicate the standards and requirements set by the issuing organization. They convey a commitment to excellence and adherence to specific criteria.

Prevention of Forgery: Incorporating security features such as holograms, watermarks, and unique identifiers in printed certificates helps prevent forgery and ensures their authenticity.


Size: A4(210mm x 297mm)
Material: Simili 80gsm, 100gsm and 140gsm
Print: Color 4C (1 Side)
Hot Stamping Color: 1C and 2C (Front)
Hot Stamping Color: Black, Blue, Gold, Green, Red and Silver.

Percetakan Sijil Offset di Malaysia

Mencetak Sijil Berkualiti

Sijil percetakan melibatkan mewujudkan salinan fizikal dokumen yang secara rasmi mengakui dan mengesahkan pencapaian, kelayakan, atau menyiapkan program atau sijil course.Printing menawarkan beberapa faedah, kedua-dua praktikal dan simbolik, dalam pelbagai konteks. Berikut adalah beberapa kelebihan utama:

Pengiktirafan Formal: Sijil berfungsi sebagai dokumen rasmi yang mengesahkan pencapaian penerima, kelayakan, atau penyelesaian program. Pengiktirafan rasmi ini menambah kredibiliti kepada kemahiran atau pencapaian individu.

Perwakilan Ketara: Sijil dicetak memberikan gambaran nyata kejayaan atau penyiapan, menawarkan penerima peringatan fizikal tentang pencapaian mereka. Ini boleh menjadi sangat bermakna untuk pencapaian peribadi atau profesional.

Profesionalisme: Sijil yang direka dengan baik dan dicetak menyumbang kepada imej profesional untuk organisasi atau institusi yang mengeluarkan. Profesionalisme ini mencerminkan secara positif nilai yang diletakkan pada pencapaian yang diiktiraf.

Rasa Pencapaian: Menerima sijil fizikal boleh meningkatkan rasa pencapaian dan kebanggaan penerima. Ia berfungsi sebagai simbol konkrit kerja keras dan dedikasi mereka.

Penyimpanan Rekod: Sijil bercetak mencipta dokumentasi rasmi yang boleh disimpan dengan mudah, diarkibkan, dan dirujuk pada masa akan datang. Ini amat penting untuk institusi akademik, pensijilan profesional, dan program latihan.

Pencapaian Mempamerkan: Individu sering berkongsi sijil mereka dengan orang lain, sama ada melalui pembingkaian dan paparan atau dengan memasukkannya pada resume dan portfolio. Perkongsian ini membantu dalam membina identiti profesional seseorang.

Komunikasi Piawaian: Sijil menyampaikan piawaian dan keperluan yang ditetapkan oleh organisasi yang mengeluarkan. Mereka menyampaikan komitmen terhadap kecemerlangan dan pematuhan kepada kriteria tertentu.

Pencegahan Pemalsuan: Menggabungkan ciri keselamatan seperti hologram, tera air dan pengecam unik dalam sijil bercetak membantu mencegah pemalsuan dan memastikan kesahihannya.


Saiz: A4(210mm x 297mm)
Bahan: Simili 80gsm, 100gsm dan 140gsm
Cetak: Warna 4C (1 Sisi)
Warna Setem Panas: 1C dan 2C (Depan)
Warna Stamping Panas: Hitam, Biru, Emas, Hijau, Merah dan Perak.

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The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.

All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.

If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.

Price Calculator

Unit Price :RM0.55

Estimated Total:RM165.24

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