Custom Arch File Printing Services

Personalized Arch Files: Organize and Showcase Your Documents in Style!

At Printlab Marketing Sdn Bhd, we understand the importance of organization and professionalism when it comes to managing your documents. That's why we offer personalized Arch File printing services that not only keep your files in order but also help you make a lasting impression.

Our Personalized Arch Files are designed to reflect your unique brand identity. Whether you're a business, student, or professional, our printing options allow you to customize your Arch Files with your logo, company name, or any other design elements that represent your brand. With our high-quality printing techniques, your Arch Files will stand out and leave a lasting impression on clients, colleagues, or professors.

But our Personalized Arch Files aren't just about aesthetics; they also provide practical benefits for efficient document management. Our Arch Files are made from durable materials that ensure long-lasting use, protecting your important papers from damage and wear. The sturdy metal arch mechanism securely holds your documents in place, preventing them from slipping out or getting lost.

Furthermore, our Arch Files are designed with functionality in mind. The wide spine allows for easy insertion and removal of documents, while the lever arch mechanism makes it effortless to open and close the file. The size and capacity of our Arch Files can be customized to meet your specific needs, accommodating different paper sizes and holding varying quantities of pages.

Whether you need to organize financial reports, academic papers, legal documents, or any other important files, our Personalized Arch Files offer a professional and stylish solution. They are perfect for presentations, meetings, conferences, and everyday office use.

At Printlab Marketing Sdn Bhd, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality products and exceptional customer service. Our team of printing experts will work closely with you to ensure that your Personalized Arch Files are customized to your exact specifications. We use advanced printing technology to achieve vibrant colors, sharp details, and a flawless finish.

Don't settle for plain and generic office supplies. Elevate your document management game with our Personalized Arch Files. Contact us today to discuss your requirements, and let us help you organize and showcase your documents in style!


Product Details:

Outer cover 
Material : Chipboard 1150gsm + Gloss Art Paper 150gsm
Print : Colour 4C
Laminate : Matte Lamination (Front)
Inner cover (ready design)
Material : Simili 140gsm
Print : Black 1C


Perkhidmatan Percetakan Fail Arch Custom

Fail Lengkungan Peribadi: Atur dan Pamerkan Dokumen Anda dengan Gaya!
Di Printlab Marketing Sdn Bhd, kami memahami pentingnya organisasi dan profesionalisme dalam menguruskan dokumen anda. Itulah sebabnya kami menawarkan perkhidmatan percetakan Arch File yang diperibadikan yang bukan sahaja menjaga fail anda dengan teratur tetapi juga membantu anda membuat kesan yang berkekalan.

Fail Arkib Peribadi kami direka untuk menggambarkan identiti jenama unik anda. Sama ada anda perniagaan, pelajar, atau profesional, pilihan percetakan kami membolehkan anda menyesuaikan Arch Files anda dengan logo, nama syarikat, atau elemen reka bentuk lain yang mewakili jenama anda. Dengan teknik percetakan berkualiti tinggi kami, Arch Files anda akan menonjol dan memberikan kesan yang berkekalan kepada pelanggan, rakan sekerja, atau profesor.

Tetapi Fail Arkib Peribadi kami bukan hanya mengenai estetika; mereka juga memberikan faedah praktikal untuk pengurusan dokumen yang cekap. Fail Lengkungan kami dibuat dari bahan tahan lama yang memastikan penggunaan tahan lama, melindungi kertas penting anda dari kerosakan dan keausan. Mekanisme lengkungan logam yang kukuh menyimpan dokumen anda dengan selamat, menghalangnya daripada tergelincir atau hilang.

Selanjutnya, Fail Lengkungan kami direka dengan mempertimbangkan fungsi. Tulang belakang yang lebar memungkinkan penyisipan dan penghapusan dokumen dengan mudah, sementara mekanisme tuas lengkung menjadikannya mudah untuk membuka dan menutup fail. Ukuran dan kapasiti Fail Lengkungan kami dapat disesuaikan untuk memenuhi keperluan khusus anda, menampung ukuran kertas yang berbeza dan menyimpan sejumlah halaman.

Sama ada anda perlu menyusun laporan kewangan, kertas akademik, dokumen undang-undang, atau fail penting lain, Fail Arkib Peribadi kami menawarkan penyelesaian profesional dan bergaya. Ia sangat sesuai untuk persembahan, mesyuarat, persidangan, dan penggunaan pejabat setiap hari.

Di Printlab Marketing Sdn Bhd, kami bangga memberikan produk berkualiti tinggi dan perkhidmatan pelanggan yang luar biasa. Pasukan pakar percetakan kami akan bekerjasama dengan anda untuk memastikan bahawa Fail Lengkungan Peribadi anda disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi tepat anda. Kami menggunakan teknologi percetakan canggih untuk mencapai warna-warna cerah, perincian tajam, dan kemasan sempurna.

Jangan berpuas hati dengan bekalan pejabat biasa dan generik. Tingkatkan permainan pengurusan dokumen anda dengan Fail Lengkungan Peribadi kami. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk membincangkan keperluan anda, dan marilah kami membantu anda mengatur dan mempamerkan dokumen anda dengan penuh gaya!

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line


The fastest delivery time for multiple design sticker sheets is undefined. Please note that you have to submit your order before 12.00PM. Late payment or upload of your artwork might further delay your order. If you select Online Proof or Digital Proof Print during the checkout process, the production will only begin after your approval.

All of our products are delivered in a securely packed cardboard box.

If you can't find what you need, please call our customer service team at the above-mentioned number to help you place an order. You can also request a quote from our customer service team for special product configurations that are not available on our website.

Your file can be uploaded either before you checkout and pay, or after. Please note that uploading files late might result in a moved expected delivery date.

The best format for submitting print-ready files is PDF, under the PDF/X-1a standard. Learn how to save your artwork using PDF/X-1a standard in Adobe Illustrator. Our graphic designers will then convert your file into a print-ready PDF file.

Price Calculator

Unit Price :RM20.90

Estimated Total:RM418.00

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